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Awesome site, lots of cool pic's and graphics, great work! long time customer first time on the web site surprising huh! I would like to get some of the pictures of my white 92 Camaro for your book on here if possible, a lot has been done since then so maybe ill stop and see about getting some new ones put on. Jeff, what's up man? Site looks great, thanks for putting the pic of the car on your site, the car looks great, you did a hell of a job like alway's!!! I'll be stopping in soon to get some little stuff done. I also have a shirt to give you with your name on it. Talk to you later, Jim B, BORN TO RUN RACING nice work with the vinyl stuff i am highly impressed by the way can u send me some literature on the franchisee opportunities offered by you? i am very much interested to be your franchisee in India my address is: mandeep j. kalsy Leo industrial engineers plot no. 526, gidc phase II gundlav - 396 035 valsad, gujarat india how much is MD525?? email me at shrena89@hotmail.com I was in your shop and I was wondering if you could email me the picture of the dodge avenger with the tribal decals? Gspot3162002@yahoo.com Bill - Greatest Installer ....... Jeff - Phat ass truck ....... Marge - Keep up the good work I received the stripes and man do they look good on my car. The color was very close and the detail on the front stripes is great. I left feedback and if you wanted I can send you some pics of the stripes on my car. Thanks again, Josh To whoever it may concern: Your website is sweet. You did an great job! It's so much easier to shop around. Everything is labeled and linked together, It's so much easier to find what your looking for. I bet other websites are jealous, but hey I would be to, this is the best website ever. You know what I mean? I'll be buying from you a lot more. Keep up the great site. ps those new decals are awesome This is a tight ass sight So happy that you have everything that I look for , talk to everyone soon Was looking for Computer Generated Graphics business opportunity. Have seen a few small businesses in my area and love the concept. My experience in graphic design and printing should compliment a business of this nature. Please contact me with information if you have any. Ted Cooper I'm so glad someone finally has pink graphics! I was just wondering if its like a baby pink or a hot pink...please let me know! im looking for hot pink and if you have it i'm buying you guys out =) email me: dz1love@aol.com awesome site, lots of cool pics and graphics, great work Dude, site looks good. Needs pictures of my car though. just kiddin. I searched for domains and www.rocketscienceimports.com is available. that would be cool site don'tcha think? peace, Kevin great site! Yes you have an enormous selection of vinyl! I enjoyed looking through them all, but what I was looking for was Dirt Late Model Cars? I couldn't find any. I recently purchased one and have plans to try to do all the graphics myself instead of hiring someone to do it. But having trouble finding things for on it. Oh, by the way I wanted to request a color chart to be sent to me. Our name is Bachman Motorsports, 381 Donnellville Road, Natrona Heights, PA 15065. If you can help me out in any way I would much appreciate it. Thank You, Todd Bachman hey I'm getting a 2003 Tiburon and I was wondering if you have the decals that are on that Tiburon picture that is under wings and spoilers? if so where is it and what is the price I want it! ~Allen cool decals, Joey sweet decals I like the splash stripe Good site very informational and detailed. Jeff Love this site, Have recommended it to many of my friends, too many neat ones to choose from, this is my first probe to do graphics on, hard choose and the color is black...Thanks...Cant wait to decide and order. keep up the good work, missy Although I didn't find the shooting star or fire works graphic I was looking for I loved your site lay out and have a couple of your graphics in mind if I am unable to find the ones I am looking for. Great display, and web site. Al Cascaddan I have a 2003 white Yukon Denali, I wanted to add a little something to it, i was wondering if you could recommend something, that would be great. thanks alot, Apryl Your site is very hot i am from Quebec Canada Hello. Good website. It is helpful and has alot of information on what you sell in your store. Who would think a funny bald guy had brains in making a great website. Tell your mom I said hello. - R.B. This site is set up nicely and is easy to access. The people you have working for you are helpful. The older lady was nice. This store has some decent things sold there and Jeff has a good eye for what he does. Realy love your web site looking for something for my camaro z28 2000. email braves51@juno.com thanks I'm lookin for a realtree camo exterior design for hunting truck . terrondean@yahoo.com I think the site is great. I wish you had all the colors available shown in the site. Also do you have any two tone flames, "like orange with a yellow fadeout at the ends of the flames. One more thing, how easy is it to put these decals on? My daughter has the Candy Apple Red 1997 Dodge Stratus and she's looking for flame decals. Thanks for your time Rich B. Hey there just wanted to say this is cool site and I talk to one of your good friends and that's how I found it I think this web site is great. I have a silver 2003 Monte Carlo SS, which I have add my own Dale Earnhardt touches too, I like the car shown on this page a lot and think if my car was black it would look a lot better. When you think of Dale Earnhardt, you picture him in that black #3 Monte Carlo. Your web sight is awesome. I'm only 14 but I love Trucks and cars even more. You guys know my brother Jason and Joe. They used to live on 101 Short Street, Right up the street from your dealership. I am their little brother. Well I just wanted to let you know that your web-sight is awesome and I will stop in your store next time I'm at my grams. I HAVE A NEW 2004 FORD FOCUS LOOKING FOR A NICE COLOR GRAPHIC TO GO DOWN THE SIDE.. MY CAR IS ALL WHITE.. BUT I HAVE THE BLACK PLASTIC TRIM GUARD GOING UNDER THE 2 DOORS... WHAT DO U HAVE IN MIND... Jeff, thank you for the Sunfire, I will take good care of it ! Very Satisfied Customer. You Guys Are Great. I Ordered My Windshield "Tremor" Decal From You On Sunday, And 5 Days Later, Its At My House. It Looks Awesome, Thanks Again. Pete Occhioni I have a 2004 Intimidator SS. I was wondering if you have any suggestions as to where I can get a chip to up the hp. from 240 to around 300. Love your 01 Intimidator. Rod Davidson Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada (Sorry, I don't know of one or I would have it.) Jeff great Web Site Got My Graphics You Made For Me. Got Them On, Looks Great!!! Good Job Put Them On A 1998 S-10 Thanks Dan Tamasseelake@aol
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